Everything Lambretta

free delivery on everything!
1000's of parts in stock!
UK quality spares sellers!


What items can be sold on the “Everything Lambretta” website?
Only new Lambretta parts and Lambretta related products can be sold by approved sellers on the “Everything Lambretta.com” website.

Will approved sellers be charged to list items for sale?
There are no charges for listing items for sale.

Who can become an approved seller?
Only UK businesses registered with HM Revenue & Customs will be allowed to become approved sellers.

Who can become a member?
Any individual who has an interest in Lambretta scooters will be able to register as a member.

Is there a charge to become a member?
Membership to “Everything Lambretta.com” is free of charge.

Will the approved sellers be able to sell items to buyers outside the UK?
“Everything Lambretta.com” approved sellers will only be able to sell items to main land UK customers.

Will there be any additional charges over and above the item list price?
The price listed is the total price you will pay for that item. This price includes all taxes and postage to main land UK customers.

How many items can a member sell in the second-hand parts section?
Individuals will be able to sell 3 second-hand items per calendar month.

Will members be charged to advertise second-hand items?
No, members will be able to advertise their second-hand items free of charge.

Will there be a charge to promote scooter events?
All scooter club events will be promoted on the “Everything Lambretta.com” website free of charge.


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